The side quest for Vino Veritas takes place in the city of Kuttenberg, where Casper Rudolf is standing at the city fountain.
He needs help with his wine business, which has been unable to compete against the excellent wines produced by Sedletz Monastery. He wants to know the secret behind the monks’ winemaking process.
You can strengthen your position for initiating the case investigation by getting Casper’s wine book, even if that step is optional.
The book can be accessed by convincing Hugo at the entrance of the garden or by a more creative way of entering by climbing the guard tower.
Once in, you must negotiate with Adleta, who holds the book and will ask for kind gifts of five Marigolds from the garden in return. The vital step leads you to the Emperor Charles Tavern to meet Havel.
Impress Havel And Search His Office
The main thing is proper prep work and presentation to impress Havel. First, dress for the occasion. The tavern keeper would expect visitors to such a place to come dressed smartly. Your Semine wedding outfit would just be right for this.
Go on to the tavern called Emperor Charles, located on the northern side of Kuttenberg, to go and meet Havel.
The whole drinking session is going to be a performance test on you. Your victory will depend on your knowledge and answers in this encounter.

To ensure a positive impression, say Germany when asked where you’re from. Likewise, choose Steinberger when asked for the one you’d like to talk about.
While tasting, mention that “it’s missing ginger” and be respectable in appearance as the conversation goes on.
These are about the response that counts much more than any successful passing of the skill checks that occur.
Obtaining Havel’s Ledger In His Office
After making a successful impression, you can look for the ledger in the same building where you had the conversation with him.
The ledger has been confined into an office on the third floor of the hotel belonging to Havel. So, you’ll have to go two floors upward into the building and take the left door to the wreath.
Now, open the door to the office there, and inside, you’ll find the hard-locked treasure chest.

You have two options to get the ledger: either pickpocket the key from any building inhabitant or directly pick the chest’s hard lock.
The chest is laid with Innkeeper Havel’s Ledger. Just keep looking over your shoulders while in the office, for being caught will pile charges on you.