As Though Surrounded By Thunder Quest In Genshin Impact

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As Though Surrounded by Thunder is the third quest of the Enchanted Tales of the Mikawa Festival Event in Genshin Impact 5.4.

To start this quest, you must first complete the “As Though Beholding Illusions” event quest, where you must visit multiple NPCs booths and investigate.

Start Mikawa Festival Questline To Unlock As Though Surrounded By Thunder Quest

Once you have unlocked the quest, you must go to Mt. Yougou on the event grounds. There, Yae Miko and others will discuss their plan to uncover the real person behind the recent happenings.

Next, go to the top of the event grounds to find Ei. Speak with her to execute Yae Miko’s plan. A cutscene will trigger immediately, and Ei will take you to a domain to confront the Nightmare Fragments.

As Though Surrounded By Thunder Quest
Click on “Go” to start the quest.

You can optionally talk to contestants from various teams around the event grounds. These conversations provide additional context about the events.

Kokomi and Mizuki, Sayu and Yoimiya, or Thoma and Itto are a few NPC contestants you can speak to at their game booths.

Battle Against The Nightmare Fragments

After speaking with the contestants, your next objective is to fight against the Nightmare Fragments.

During the battle against the Nightmare Fragments, you can only use the Traveler as your character. Ei will fight alongside you, assisting by attacking the Nightmare Fragments. You cannot control Ei’s movements during this fight.

To defeat the Nightmare Fragments effectively, wait for a bright blue light to shine from the enemy. Press parry before the attack hits you. One parry means a varied opportunity for a burst attack.

As Though Surrounded By Thunder Quest In Genshin Impact
By controlling the Traveler, players need to defeat Nightmare Fragements.

If you fail to parry, use normal and charged attacks to gain verity. Remember to dodge incoming attacks if you miss a parry opportunity.

When the Nightmare Fragments reach about 20-25% HP, they enter a defensive stance. Wait for Ei to attack before you can deal damage again.

After defeating the Nightmare Fragments, a long cutscene concludes the event quest.

As Though Surrounded By Thunder Quest Genshin Impact
End of the cutscene.

When you defeat the enemy and complete As Though Surrounded by Thunder, you will earn 30 Primogems, 6 Mystic Enhancement Ore, 30,000 Mora, and 3 Hero’s Wit.


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Aditya Rana
Aditya Rana
Aditya Rana is a skilled editor and writer with a passion for curating compelling content that resonates with gaming enthusiasts. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, he ensures that each piece meets the highest standards of quality and engages readers on a meaningful level.