Oaths and Debts is the first chapter of a Diablo 4 Season 7 Questline titled “Season of Witchcraft.” This new questline is centered around a coven of witches and a host of new Witchcraft Powers.
The first part of this seasonal quest takes players to new locations and introduces them to different NPCs like Ouna and Gelena.
However, to start the Witchcraft Seasonal questline, players must Create a Seasonal Character and work on the Vessel of Harted Camping.
During the character creation, players can select Seasonal mode when they reach the “finalize” tab, and atop the menu, a button allows players to change the campaign state.

Now, this is where it gets tricky. If the player does not have the Vessel of Hatred expansion, they should skip the original campaign.
However, if the case is otherwise and players have completed the campaign at least once, they can start the questline instantly.
On the other hand, if you own the expansion but have not completed the campaign at least once, you should begin with your campaign.
Interact With NPCs To Start Oath And Debts Quest In Diablo 4
Upon logging in to the game with Seasonal Character, you will be able to accept Oath And Debts Quest automatically in Gea Kul, a port town in Kehjistan.
After accepting the quest, you can start your journey by speaking with Gelena, who can be found standing next to the Waypoint in Gea Kul.
The main objective of this mission is to help Gelena locate the Whisper Source and defeat the bosses by surviving the ambush.
She will navigate you to search for the Head. As advised by Gelena, continue by entering the Overgrown Tenement to search for the Head. Upon entering, you should prepare yourself for the Headless Husk boss fight.
Players must proceed with caution because it is a challenging encounter. You will face an army of Shambling Corpse before you finally get to Headless Husk.
So you must equip the best of your weapons and defeat the Cunning Thrall of Rot in order to face the boss.

After you defeat the boss, get his head and meet Gelena at the Tree of Whispers to hear her explain how she never told you the whole story.
Now, you need to view the Coven’s Favor by interacting with the Altars, which will unlock core Seasonal mechanics.
Finally, after visiting Coven’s Favor, you can complete the first part of the seasonal questline and get a few rewards. You will also be able to unlock the new quest, Whispers in the Wind.