Warlock is one of the 7 classes in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 which needs to be unlocked during
gameplay with the other two classes, Rogue and Sorcerer, as opposed to four that are unlocked
at the start of the game: Warrior, Wizard, Paladin, and Ranger.
As a spellcaster and melee fighter hybrid, Warlock has Drain Essence and Aura of Atrophy abilities to sustain themselves during battle and survival, respectively.
Their two primary offensive abilities are helpful for clearing large enemy groups or lone Elite enemies.
How To Unlock Warlock Class?
To unlock the Warlock in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2, you need to progress through the game until you reach Temple 1.

Once you reach Temple 1, you must defeat the area boss “Totem” and locate the NPC Warlock to get the Warlock Class.
Warlock’s Class Mastery And Build
The three options in Warlock’s Class Mastery are Summoning, Souls, and Chaos, each providing distinctive powers to enhance their combat style.
Summoning allows you to gear powerful forces to exterminate enemies. With the Summon Fiends spell, you will consume stacks of Essence to call nearby fiends that will attack nearby enemies.

Meanwhile, the Gargoyle Servant spell summons a gargoyle that strikes enemies, causing physical damage with each hit.
Souls play an essential role in enhancing your abilities with the Soul Vortex conjuring the area filled with swirling souls that deal with Physical and Poison damage in the area.
On the other hand, the Soul Shaper allows you to fire a soul projectile via your main weapon to the enemy whenever you have a stack of Essence.
Finally, Chaos Blade conjures a blade that delivers a combination of Physical and Lightning damage.

Meanwhile, Chaos Rifts creates rifts when casting spells dealing with both Lightening and Physical damage in the surrounding area.
If the rifts are close, they cast out streams of energy that boost the damage, dealing additional damage.
Likewise, you will find the following stats with this hybrid class;
- Dexterity: 15
- Intelligence: 51
- Focus: 20
- Vitality: 40

Moreover, upgrading the class skills by participating in matches and utilizing multiple spells will contribute to unlocking the ultra version of the class “LifeSteal Tank Warlock.”