The abandoned chapel becomes a site of great importance for the “Taking French Leave” quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, wherein Hans Capon should be rescued from Lord Von Bergow’s prison.
A small church is a gateway to the infinite, strong Maleshovavor fortress. The journey to the chapel begins after conscripting the Ruthards.
Rosa Ruthard brings significant information about a secret passage into Maleshov and directs attention to a little white shrine close to a crossroads.
Finding The Old Chapel In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
To get to this chapel is to wade through all the conspicuous landmarks. Travelers must first search for the small white shrine at the crossroads somewhere in the southern part of the yellow search area, conspicuous enough from the main road.
While facing this shrine, to the right is a peculiar pile of stones that signals the beginning of a subtle path into the woods.

The path is somewhat overgrown but still visible. You must follow it through the wooded area and continue along this path until you reach the small chapel.
The chapel, a run-down structure but still standing, will have a visible window.

While looking through the chapel window, you should see the ruins in the distance. It is well placed for the first set of ruins that lead to the white crosses.
Players should stay within the yellow search area on your map, still focusing on the southern portion. The chapel is the first major landmark of a sequence leading eventually to the hidden way into Maleshov.