School Bus Quest In A Dusty Trip With Key Fragments Locations

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The Update 5.8 in Roblox A Dusty Trip has been out recently, with multiple new items, including a car and the school bus, which you can obtain from the quest.

In A Dusty Trip, the School Bus is a unique vehicle that can be obtained by completing the School Bus Quest.

School Bus Quest is a challenging task where players must find three Key Fragments scattered throughout the game world.

Collect Key Fragments For School Bus Quest In A Dusty Trip

In Roblox A Dusty Trip, key fragments are found in random building locations, such as the truck stop building.

While the location of fragments is random, you can perhaps find one at the truck shop, garage, or behind tiers.

School Bus Quest A Dusty Trip
Interact with NPC to get the quest.

Therefore, to obtain all 3 key fragments, you might need to explore multiple areas throughout the game map.

Once you have obtained all 3 keys, locate Crafter Carlos and give him the three Key Fragments. He will combine them to create the Rusty Key.

A Dusty Trip School Bus
A Dusty Trip School Bus.

Now, when Carlos is done making keys, check your inventory; a special key should be in your backpack.

Next, you must select the desert map to access the school bus. Why a desert map? Well, it is because of its proximity to the bus.

The school bus is located 4,300 meters from the Bus Impound Lot building. Use the key to unlock the gate and proceed toward the bus.

Once inside the impounding lot, you should receive a bus breakout badge. Now, you can assemble the bus, fix its tires, and gas it up to drive. And just like that, you will complete the School Bus quest.


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Pranaya is a passionate gaming enthusiast and content creator with a deep love for the world of video games. With a special interest in Call of Duty, Pranaya thrives on exploring the latest releases, strategies, and updates in the gaming industry. Whether breaking down gameplay mechanics, reviewing new titles, or sharing pro tips, Pranaya is dedicated to delivering engaging and insightful content for fellow gamers.