In the challenging world of Arcane Lineage, not many bosses bring about the same reverence and dread within the minds of mortals as Seraphon.
This divine warrior serves as a gatekeeper to one of the most desirable rewards in the game: the mighty Sheea race.
Sheea race offers special abilities and attributes that can enhance your gameplay experience.
Seraphon In Arcane Lineage
Seraphon is one of the high-tier bosses in Arcane Lineage and is linked to the Church of Raphion covenant. She appears radiantly as a warrior wielding holy powers and an endgame challenge.
With an HP of around 4,500 and a variety of unique mechanics, Seraphon poses a fair challenge to players but becomes harder when teams are not prepared.

To fight this Seraphon, you must join the Church of Raphion covenant; you would have to reach Rank 20 in the said covenant and talk with an NPC by the main chapel entrance requesting the challenge of Rapheon (Seraphon).
The initiate encounter requires only one party member to be Rank 20 within the covenant so that any group with at least a single person dedicated to that covenant may pursue Seraphon.
The Church Of Raphion Covenant
The Church of Raphion covenant is located east of Caldera on the map. To join, from the Teleport NPC at Caldera gates, go east and then a little northwest until you reach the gate with an angel NPC.
Talking to the NPC will have him request one mushroom cap, one sand core, and one rock core. Upon giving these items, access to the church will be granted.
The next step is all about leveling up in the ranks of the covenant, which requires using the “Bless” ability quite regularly. “Bless” heals and cleanses any debuffs from targets.

This covenant offers several powerful skills as you advance. Rank 1 gets you “Bless”. Cleansing basic debuffs heals the target for 2% HP for every debuff cleansed.
Rank 5 gives Supporting Light, which heals a target 2% HP after buffing and earns 5% damage reduction. At Rank 10, you earn Holy Light, providing resist buff, damage reduction, and regen for all teammates.
Rank 15 unlocks Spreading Grace, wherein meditating transmutes energy into healing for other party members. Finally, at Rank 20, the challenge of Seraphon opens up.
Seraphon Abilities And Gameplay Mechanics
Seraphon has a lot of unique mechanics that make her a fierce opponent.
Her health is 4,500, and she makes only one action per round (some bosses have multi-actions on their turns), and she is immune to Vulnerable and Weaken status, as well as immune to Holy damage.
Some of the key abilities that make her challenging are Justice, a first-turn AoE attack that uses light-based projectiles dealing a tremendous amount of damage if not blocked or dodged.
Then there is Holy Javelin, which aims at random members of the party, especially deadly for fragile classes such as Wizards or Thieves.
Another strong hit is Purifying Light, which makes a big hit while allowing a small window to dodge, thus making it hard to block.

Seraphon spends 3 energies summoning allies like Sheea Elementalists (whose HP is 500), who can heal Seraphon with 2,000 HP worth of healing; these include Sheea Saints and Sheea Paladins.
She also applies the Purified Status Effect, which means when players with this status are healed, Seraphon shares the healing, making healing management crucial during the fight.
Moreover, three energies will enable Seraphon to cleanse herself and recover an amount of HP based on the status effects that were removed in this process that could potentially heal Seraphon up to 2,000 HP, provided that there are many status effects in place.
How To Defeat Seraphon Arcane Lineage?
To defeat Seraphon, you will want to include a Tank like a Warrior or similar class to absorb the initial Justice attack, a Healer like a Saint for team sustain (be careful with healing when Purified is active), DPS classes like Blade Dancer or Vaner, and another DPS/Support focused on physical damage dealers.
When battling Seraphon, be ready to block or dodge Justice on the first turn, apply Fracture to amplify the physical damage dealt, and start your DPS rotation while considering Seraphon’s energy.
Once she hits 3 energy, brace for the summons and decide whether to take care of them, mostly aiming at Saints, or continue concentrating on Seraphon.
The summons have relatively low HP, 250-500, and can sometimes be ignored. Be careful when healing while the Purified status is active and coordinate the healing so that the Seraphon is not accidentally healed.
If possible, make the effort to remove status effects from Seraphon before she can utilize her self-healing ability so that the large healing gain from all accumulated effects will be prevented.

Defeating Seraphon yields several valuable rewards, including Sun Weapons (quickly reducing the Defense of foes), Raphaeon’s Blessing (called the Blessed enchant), and the Imbuement Reliquary, prime items valuable for the Summoner builds.
The most interesting reward for defeating Seraphon is the option to start a new character with the Sheea race, which stands out as a powerful and very rare starting race in Arcane Lineage.