The Imp Heads is considered one of the best helmets in Rune Slayer. This coveted armor piece is known as the Hodor War Helmet and requires finishing a certain quest and hunting for a special item.
The Heavy-type helmet requires a Level 25 and gives 542 Armor. The bonuses granted to the player include +24 Strength, +6 Agility, +4 Stamina, and an extremely valuable +1% Crit chance.
With its powerful attributes, it is no wonder that many adventurers see this as a must-have item for high-level play.
Join The Holy Faction To Obtain The Imp Heads In Rune Slayer
Before going for the Imp Heads, you will want to be enlisted in the Holy faction first. Go to Knight’s Templar, which is near Lakeshire. To get there, climb the mountains behind the Adventurer’s Guild building on the town’s west side.
Above the top of this hill will be a pond into a river. Follow its course downstream until you see an arch carved into the mountain across it on the left side. Pass through these arches to enter Lakeshire.

At Lakeshire, as you enter, find the left fringe and walk around the walls until you find a cave. Speak to the guard in that cave and take the lift to start your journey upward.
You must stay completely still while riding to avoid clipping through the floor. At the top, turn left and climb the rocks leading to an opening in the hill. Take a right from there and climb the mountain to finally reach Knight’s Templar.
Before the altar of Knight’s Templar, look across the room for Arthiel standing in mirrored swords and shields. There, check in Arthiel and choose “I want to join your cause” to join the faction.
Locate NPC Hodor And Start The Quest
Now that you have gained your Holy Faction membership, head to where the lift dropped you off.
Also, pay the guard to get through the door on the right side for five Silver. Once the door opens, look towards the Imp mobs charging at you: they can easily slay even the bravest of adventurers.
To get to the quest giver, go further into the Holy Faction sector. Then, climb to the very top until you can see an entrance.

But instead of entering there, you have to walk along across the ledge and be careful not to fall. Then, go around the ledge until you come to a dead end where you can drop down safely.
Once you fall, there should be some crystals close by. Run through this area and head right to find the NPC you are looking for.

Approaching the NPC, which is defined as “Hodor,” and giving the NPC a talk will be the way to acquire the quest “Headhunter 1.”
An item called “Imp Head” will be requested from the NPC for the quest. The task sounds simple at first, but it turns out to be quite difficult.
Kill The Mobs To Obtain Imp Heads
To gain the “Imp Head,” you should go to the Demon Section of the game. You get to access this dangerous area by opening the door to the Holy Faction and searching for the Demon Section entrance once you are inside this place.
In this area, you should just try to find and kill Imp mobs, as they are the ones required to complete your quest.
Unfortunately, this will take long since killing a lot of them usually does not drop the item you need. Keep hunting until you get a drop from an Imp.
Now that you have the “Imp Head,” head back to the Mysterious Quest 2 NPC. There, you can turn in the quest item you fought hard for and expect a reward in the form of the Hodor War Helmet, also known to many as the Imp Helmet.
You should note that after you have done or canceled this quest, you will have a cooldown of 1 hour before being able to undertake it again.